Studded Belts Canada

Cool Studded Belts

If you are wondering if you can purchase our studded belts from Canada, the answer is, yes you can.

Whether you buy them from our site here or from our Amazon Canada store , your order will be delivered in about 2 weeks. Our local delivery service provider is Canada Post..

Choose from our collections of black studded belts, punk rock inspired belts, skull studded belts, and more for your next party, performance, concert, bike ride, or just for your cool outfit day.

Here are some of the highlights:

The Skull Studded Belt

Yes. This beautiful creation is one of our most popular mens studded belts. It is heavy, not so much because of the solid leather and many quality hardware studs, but because the subject matter of the decoration. It's a heavy load to carry, but someone has to do it. Whether you are trying to communicate that you are not to be messed with or that your connection to the afterlife is fairly intimate, this studded piece of leather is the poetry you need on your jeans.

What Our Customers Are Saying

Super Cool Studded Leather Belt

For something ever cooler, try our appropriately named Super Cool Studded Leather Belt This belt looks like a heavy piece of metal belt, and it almost is, with heavy metal studs placed closely together by hand, it almost resembles a chain belt. This is one mens studded belt that stands out as something special. Oh, and it weight about a pound and a half...

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